name: lan mode:

static ip: 163.14.x.1

status: up

netbios-forward: disable

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Windows Update 錯誤 800B0100



如果您收到 Windows Update 錯誤 800B0100,表示 Windows Update 所需的檔案已損毀或遺失。

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以普樺的iscsi 單座 EP-3164S2-GAS6   

16 bay 乘以 8 TB  ==> 128TB  (RAID 0)

16 bay 乘以 8 TB  ==> 112TB  (RAID 5 + Hot spare )


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[root@scucc ~]# mount /dev/cdrom /mnt
mount: block device /dev/sr0 is write-protected, mounting read-only

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Hyper-V與VMWARE內若使用 Linux系統,複製機器後,會有以下狀況




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當開啟Excel 2007的檔案時,發生了這個訊息


表示有不正常的Office 外掛造成,建議你從增益集去停用非微軟的 COM 或 xlam 之類,常見會導致此問題的外掛 Acrobat PDFMaker、Dr.Eye、防毒軟體等。


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Windows Installer will not work under Safe Mode, this means that programs cannot be installed or uninstalled in safe mode without giving a specific command using msiexec in command prompt.

To make Windows Installer work under safe mode, you need to create a registry entry for every type of safe mode you are logged in to.

  1. Safe Mode.
    Type this in a command prompt:
    REG ADD "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SafeBoot\Minimal\MSIServer" /VE /T REG_SZ /F /D "Service"

    and then

    net start msiserver

    This will start the Windows Installer Service.

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「無法存取 Windows Installer 服務」的解決方法

有時,不知動到什麼,一碰到需要透過 Windows Installer 安裝的程式,都會出現
「無法存取 Windows Installer 服務」訊息。在安全模式下執行 Windows 或 Windows Installer 安裝不當時,可能出現這個問題。請洽支援人員。

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#vi /etc/passwd

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