VMware里安裝RedHat Linux 時出現:出現錯誤-未找到要在其中創建新文件系統的有效設備。請檢查您的硬件以找到問題的起因。
VM默認硬盤是SCSI硬盤(安裝VMware安裝的時候選擇Custom安裝是可以選擇),而SCSI硬盤需要專門的驅動,windows系統帶有,而read hat沒有,所以會出現未找到要在其中創建新文件系統的有效設備的錯誤提示。
在Favorites(虛擬機)單擊你要處理的計算機–>Edit vitual machine settings(設置)–-->單擊“Hard Disk (SCSI 0:0)”(硬盤)–>在這個框下邊有一個” Remove(移除)”,單擊這個就是刪除了。–>單擊”Remove”左邊的”Add…(添加)”,下一步,”Hard Disk”(硬盤),Create a new vitual disk(創建一個新的虛擬硬盤),下一步,選擇IDE,然後下一步就可以了。

When converting a physical machine to a virtual machine using VMware Converter or vCenter Converter Enterprise, if an adapter type is not selected during the initial customization the resulting virtual machine may contain an IDE disk as the primary OS disk. You must convert the IDE disk to SCSI to get the best performance. If the primary disk is an IDE virtual disk, the newly converted virtual machine may fail to boot because the guest OS does not support the driver.

Note: The typical SCSI adapter type for newer versions of Windows and Linux OS guests is the LSI Logic controller type.

To convert the IDE disk to SCSI:
Locate the datastore path where the virtual machine resides. For example:

/vmfs/volumes/ / /

From the ESX Service Console, open edit the primary disk (.vmdk) in a text editor.
Look for the following line:

ddb.adapterType = "ide"

For LSI Logic change the line to:

ddb.adapterType = "lsilogic"

For Bus Logic change the line to:

ddb.adapterType = "buslogic"

Save the file.
From VMware Infrastructure or vSphere Client:
Click Edit Settings for the virtual machine.
Select the IDE virtual disk.
Choose to Remove the Disk from the virtual machine.
Click OK.

Caution: Make sure that you do not choose Remove from disk.

From the Edit Settings menu for this virtual machine:
Click Add > Hard Disk > Use Existing Virtual Disk.
Navigate to the location of the disk and select to add it into the virtual machine.
Choose the same controller as in Step 3 as the adapter type. The SCSI ID should read SCSI 0:0.

If a CDROM device exists in the virtual machine it may need to have the IDE channel adjusted from IDE 0:1 to IDE 0:0. If this option is greyed out, remove the CDROM from the virtual machine and add it back. This sets it to IDE 0:0.
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